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West Virginia Quality Support Services

Financial Assistance: 

Through the Quality Support Services project, West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources (WVECTCR) provides financial assistance to West Virginia child care centers, family child care facilities, and family child care homes seeking Tier II Quality Status or national accreditation from an approved accrediting body, as part of the WV Tiered Reimbursement Program. Currently, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) are approved accrediting bodies. Stipends will be issued for the following 4 categories of accreditation fees: self-study enrollment fee, application fee, candidacy/site visit fee, and annual report and renewal fees. Quality Support Services will reimburse for 75% of the cost of these fees.

If you are seeking NAEYC Self-Study Materials:​

  1. Complete the Application for Financial and Technical Assistance for NAEYC Accreditation.

  2. Complete the Application for Stipend for Accreditation Self-Study Materials.

  3. Include proof of payment for the purchase of self-study materials. (Because the stipend is a reimbursement to the center for the purchase of the self-study materials, the stipend will not be processed until the materials have been requested from NAEYC).

  4. Include a completed W-9 IRS Form.

If you are seeking a stipend for NAEYC Candidacy/Site Visits:

  1. Complete the Application for Financial and Technical Assistance for NAEYC Accreditation.

  2. Complete the Candidacy Stipend Application.

  3. Include proof of payment for the candidacy fee.

  4. Include a completed W-9 IRS Form.

If you are seeking a stipend for NAFCC Self-Study Materials:

  1. Complete the Application for Financial Assistance for NAFCC Accreditation.

  2. Complete the Application for Stipend for NAFCC Accreditation Self-Study Materials.

  3. Include proof of payment for self-study enrollment.

  4. Include a completed W-9 IRS Form

If you are seeking a stipend for NAFCC Observation Visits:

  1. Complete the Application for Financial Assistance for NAFCC Accreditation.

  2. Complete the Observation Stipend Application for NAFCC.

  3. Include proof of payment for accreditation application.

  4. Include a completed W-9 IRS Form

Stipends are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis as funding allows.


Jaime L. Price

Bureau for Family Assistance

Division of Early Care and Education

West Virginia Department of Human Services
1027 N Randolph Avenue

Elkins, WV 26241






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    This program is being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Human Services and the West Virginia Department of Health and is administered by West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources, a program of River Valley Child Development Services

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