Celebrating Connections
The early childhood programs of West Virginia welcome you to the annual Celebrating Connections Conference. The success of the early childhood community begins with you as educators. Your enthusiasm is the reason for Celebrating Connections’ success. This year’s conference has been designed to provide relevant information about practices, policies, planning and research that enhances community partnerships and quality in early care and education. You will also have the opportunity to network with other professionals and participate in a diverse array of early childhood education discussions. All those involved in the conference would like to thank you for your continued dedication to young children.

Current Conference Information
Celebrating Connections 2025
March 19-21, 2025
Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center
Charleston, West Virginia
Any questions can be directed to smiller@rvcds.org
Registration is NOW OPEN!
CC25 Call for Proposals is Now Closed!
Submissions can be made at https://forms.gle/vTqMbxPfB6hSKvx98
All proposals are due August 1, 2024
West Virginia's Annual Early Childhood Conference is sponsored by:
WV Department of Education
Office of Teaching and Learning
PK-12 Academic Support
Office of Federal Programs and Support
Special Education
WV Dept. of Health & Human Resources:
Bureau for Public Health/Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health/WV Birth to Three & WV Home Visitation Program.
Bureau for Children and Families/Early Care and Education Division.
WV Head Start State Collaboration Office
Support and coordination through the WV Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources

Celebrating Connections Conference Planning Committee:
Ginger Huffman, Chair
Sara Fitzwater Miller, Coordinator
Melanie Clark
Trella Coppola
Brittany Doss
Alyson Edwards
Teresa Lawlor
Jennifer Meeks
Aaron Morris
Greg Oxley
Susan Rispress
Michelle Rollyson
Michelle Romanek
Elizabeth Teel
Debbie Withrow
Mel Woodcock
Sheila Zickefoose
Conference Objectives
Promote effective and positive practices when working with children and families.
Highlight state and local programs which demonstrate effective practices with young children and families.
Share information regarding community collaboration.
Provide networking opportunities for the early childhood community.
Learn practical solutions for community involvement and supporting families.
Create an opportunity for early childhood programs to better understand each other through common experiences.
Create opportunities to learn about program specifics such as policies, standards, and transition procedures for Head Start, public/private/special education preschool, Early Head Start, child care, WV Birth to Three, Home Visitation, and the Universal Pre-K system.
Develop strategies to advocate for young children and families in the state within early care and education.
Create an environment that fosters collaboration within the early care and education community.
Contact Information
Sara Fitzwater Miller
WV Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources/River Valley Child Development Services
611 Seventh Avenue, Suite 322
Huntington, WV 25701
Telephone: 304-529-7603 x 3459
Fax: 304-529-2535
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