ICC Logo

The WV Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council (WVICC) is a governor appointed council mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to advise and assist the WV Department of Health and Human Resources with the development and implementation of the WV Birth to Three System.

The WVICC actively supports the Mission of the WV Birth to Three System as it “partners with families and caregivers to build upon their strengths by offering coordination, supports and resources to enhance children’s development and learning”.

Who are the members of the WVICC?

The Council is composed of families, practitioners, state agency representatives and other early childhood stakeholders with a vested interest in the growth and development of WV’s youngest citizens and their families.

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Where can I learn more?


ICC Brochure

WV Birth to Three

Facebook YouTube

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For more information, please contact:

Sheila Zickefoose MA
99 Edmiston Way, Suite 201
Buckhannon, WV 26201
Phone: (304) 471-3443
Fax: (304) 471-3441
E-mail: szickefoose@rvcds.org